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Last Modified 03/15/2020 01:03:19 by

Midwest Partial Differential Equations Seminar

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(85) (Cancelled --- Date and Arrangements to be determined) 85th Midwest PDE Seminar at IUPUI (Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis) April 18-19, 2020 Due to the current situation with the coronavirus, the Midwest PDE conference scheduled to take place at IUPUI in mid-April will be cancelled.

View the Program for the First Midwest Partial Differential Equations Seminar at Northwestern in Spring 1977

About Midwest PDE

The Midwest Partial Differential Equations Seminar is a semiannual meeting on recent developments in partial differential equations.

Upcoming Midwest PDE Seminars:

Previous Midwest PDE Seminars:

| 1977-1981 | | 1981-1985 | | 1985-1989 | | 1990-1994 | | 1995-1999 | | 2000-2004 | | 2005-2009 | | 2010-2015 | | 2016-2020 |

Midwpde Listserv:

Subscribe to the (moderated) Midwest PDE Listserv: by sending an email message to with the single line message:
subscribe midwpde your_name
If you have difficulty subscribing or renewing, send an e-mail message to

The Midwest Partial Differential Equations Seminar is partially funded by a grant from the National Science Foundation.

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Last Modified 03/15/2020 01:03:19 by
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